The District of Las Vegas is located in the southeast of the Community of Madrid, bordered on the north by the Madrid region of La Campiña, east with Cuenca and Guadalajara, on the south by the province of Toledo and on the west by the Campiña de Griñón.
Its landscapes are fed by three emblematic rivers of the Community: the Tagus, the Tajuña and the Jarama.
The District of las Vegas ranges from San Martín de la Vega to Estremera.
On average, the municipalities that make up the region are about 48 km away from the capital, with San Martín de la Vega being the closest municipality to Madrid (22 km) and Estremera the furthest (70 km) away, what facilitates the existence of close relationships with the urban environment that favors both types of territories are fed back in both directions in terms of labor flows, the provision of services and the use of recreational spaces.

The Comarca brings together, as of 01/01/2017, 72,905 inhabitants distributed in the following municipalities: Ambite, Belmonte de Tajo, Brea de Tajo, Carabaña, Chinchón, Colmenar de Oreja, Estremera, Fuentidueña de Tajo, Morata de Tajuña, Orusco de Tajuña, Perales de Tajuña, San Martin de la Vega, Tielmes, Titulcia, Valdaracete, Valdelaguna, Valdilecha, Villaconejos, Villamanrique de Tajo, Villar del Olmo, and Villarejo de Salvanés.